Musculoskeletal Acupuncture.
The most widespread application of acupuncture is for pain relief, most commonly musculoskeletal pain, but also other forms of chronic pain such as neuralgia. There is scientific evidence highlighting how acupuncture can help with the short-term relief of various musculoskeletal problems by releasing natural pain-killing and healing chemicals within the body.
What does acupuncture involve?
A growing body of evidence-based clinical research is discovering how the body responds to acupuncture and its benefits for a wide range of common health conditions.
Conditions that can be treated include:
Back and neck pain
Knee pain
Chronic pain
Shoulder pain
Hip pain
Frozen Shoulder
Sciatica and lower back pain
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Tennis Elbow
This is not an exhaustive list, please call us to discuss your condition and we will be able to advise accordingly.
45 Minute Treatment
30 Minute Treatment
What our patients say.
Contact us.
If you have a question, please either call the clinic or complete our contact form with details of you enquiry and we will be happy to help.
Tel: 01256 541515